We are glad you have found us. Our purpose at Community Bible Church is to glorify God by exalting the Lord, edifying
the saints, and evangelizing the lost. One of the primary ways we pursue this goal is through an unwavering commitment
to expository preaching. We believe that the faithful, verse-by-verse exposition of God’s Word is essential to the
spiritual health of our church. This kind of preaching enables us to display the greatness of God (exaltation), to grow
the saints to walk in holiness (edification), and to equip them to proclaim the gospel to those who don’t know Christ (evangelism).
Our commitment to expository preaching flows out of Paul’s mandate to “preach the Word” in 2 Timothy 4:2. We believe that
faithfulness to this mandate includes two indispensable elements—accurate interpretation and clear proclamation. When we
are faithful to accurately interpret God’s Word (2 Tim 2:15) and proclaim it clearly (Col 4:4), we are convinced that the
Holy Spirit will use it to transform us into the likeness of Christ and equip us to display the glory of God throughout
the community. In this way, you could say that our approach to ministry is quite simple—not a lot of bells and
whistles—just a fundamental commitment to get back to the Book.
If you are not already a member of a Christ-centered, Bible-teaching assembly, we invite you to consider making
CBC your church home. In the meantime, if you have any questions, or we can be of help to you, please don’t hesitate
to let us know. We would love to serve you in any way that we can.